For this assignment we were sent to three different websites to create. We were first sent to
Scribbler |
Scribbler | where the user is able to sketch a simple drawing onto a small "canvas" space, then we are able to watch as the image "scribbles" itself. In the scribble the lines of your drawing start to create small fibers which connect to the neighboring lines. The user is able to control the level of messiness of the connections as well as the color. I am not sure why but I chose to draw bunnies for
ScribblerToo |
these assignments. It was difficult to draw these on the track pad of my computer but it was interesting to see the outcomes. I spent a great deal of time trying to figure out Scribbler that I sort of ran out of time to complete the ScribblerToo part of the assignment. I was
able to complete a sketch on this website but I was not able to put forth the effort that I would like to. On ScribblerToo the user is able to control the scribbles more easily by using them to sketch your object. They also have a feature where you are able to trace an image. I tried to trace one of my previous drawings from the original Scribbler site to make something with more volume. I ran out of time to complete the assignment, but I think I was able to show some level of volume to it. I think I liked the original Scribbler site as a whole better, just because the randomness of the image seemed more fun to me.
ScribblerToo |
Flame |
I tried uploading the image onto ScribblerToo but I was having issues with it. Once the image was on my canvas I was not able to remove it so I could just see my work. That was really frustrating to me. I will probably revisit the site later. The last website we visited was Flame online, where the user is able to paint with a flame like tool. I tried doing multiple different images on this website but I was getting frustrated. It seems difficult to try to get anything representational on here, and I thought that the simple movements on the tool were very soothing. Flame was fun, and very zen.
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