We have all had those days where we go onto Youtube to find a certain video, but end up clicking a realted video, followed by another realted video, until we end up on watching videos that are completely unrealated. Today I watched a video on American children eating school lunches from around the world. The results of that was cute and hilarious, but somewhere down the related video suggestion I got to videos about prisoners on death row and their final meal requests.
Some of these inmates did not request much food at all, many others requested feasts. One Texas inmate requested such a large meal that Texas no longer offers last meal options on their death row. This man, Lawrence Russel Brewer, basically ruined the aility to choose your last meal for everyone on death row in Texas.
Brewers meal consisted of three fajitas, two chicken fried steaks with gravy and onions, a tripple-meat bacon cheeseburger, fried okra, a pound of barbecue, a full meat-lovers pizza, a pint of ice cream, and a slab of peanut butter fudge. This meal was about 3500 calories. Brewer ruined this meal by not taking a single bite. Brewer did not eat his feast, Texas got mad, banned last meals for all death row inmates in Texas. There have been far larger meals that Texas inmates on death row have been provided, but Brewers was the last.
Here are some other last meal requests that I found
Thomas J Grasso: Upon a long list of food with a calorie count similar to Brewer, Grasso also requested a can on room temperature SpaghettiOs. However this final part of his meal was not granted, as the kitchen apparantly gave him spaghetti instead. His final words were "I did not get my SpaghettiOs, I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this."
Gerald Lee Mitchell: A bag of assorted Jolly Ranchers.
James Edward Smith: Dirt. The dirt represented part of a voodoo ritual, where it would help Smith move to the afterlife. However his request was denied, therefore he settled for a cup of yogurt. I don't see why dirt would be a hard request to grant or why you would simply settle for yogurt. But all this talking about dirt and yogurt is making me think of a that worms and dirt pudding cups with the gummy worms.
If you didnt see your meal of choice, or were interested in looking at some more, here is a list of some more strange ones.
I don't plan on being on death row, or being in prison. But if I am able to know when I am going to die, and am able to choose a final meal with no limitations, it would consist of two over medium eggs, thick cut bacon, banana-nut pancakes, fried apples, a cup of coffee with Irish cream, a mimosa, and topped off with creme brulee with blueberries and strawberries. Or you could just take me to Cracker Barrel and I'll be ready to move on with a full and conent belly.